Saturday 22 September 2012

Sprinting to the finish line...

Two of the Bible verses for SOAP are:

Psalm 127:1
"unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain"

Acts 1:7,8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.”

And during SOAP, I have dreamed with God...
I have seeked His face and His heart...
He has shown me more of His heart for His church and the perishing...
He has given visions of Healing Homes, of Revivals, of Multiplication...

He is clearing up the next steps.
For now, I am returning to New York...

With the Help of the Holy Spirit...
I will finish Spiritual Mapping Manhattan...
and I will apply for reinstatement to Seminary.

While in America, I will finish what God has begun...
I will Prayer Walk New York City...
I will Pray Across United States (PAUS)...

I will live an incarnate life...
I will live among the people who God has called me to reach...

Before I minister in Healing Homes...
my house must first be a Healing Home...
I am to live out who I am...
as a gentle gardener...
as a loving husband...
as a caring father...

When the time is right...
I will come back to South Africa...
From this gateway, I will Pray Across the African Continent (PAAC)

And He will lead me...
to Haiti and to the nations...

Healing Home...
is God's strategy to live and minister in the nations...
But the main purpose...
is to Prepare the Way of the Lord...
Through Worship and Intercession...

He has promised to shake the heavens and the earth...

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