Monday 12 June 2017

Worshiping & Praying in Chelsea

Worshiping and Praying for people of Chelsea

There are many types of cultures, background here

God's love for them is so big!

At the Church of the Holy Apostles:

Songs: I Exalt Thee; Thank You for the Cross

Waiting on God for the Church/Believers in Chelsea...

"Vibrant, Thriving...
in need of prayer...
Pray for more workers...
Pray for more fire...
Pray for more Holy Spirit anointing"

At Chelsea Park:

Songs: Famous One; How Great is Our God

Waiting on God for the Homeless...

"I will feed you...
I will draw you to Myself...
I will not relent until you are made whole again...
I have not forgotten you!"

Waiting on God for the Poor...

"They are oppressed...
They feel trapped and at the same time being pushed out...
Pray for practical wisdom and provision of jobs and resources...
Pray for breaking of pattern of alcoholism and drug abuse"

At 23rd Avenue and 9th Street:

Song: You won't Relent

Waiting on God for the LGBTQ Community:

Continuing theme of unrelenting love...

"God will not relent...
Until He has the hearts of the LGBTQ community!"